You can access my albums SONGS FROM ORLANDO and UN DÍA CLARO EN ORLANDO on many sites like iTunes, Spotify and others. Here are some links: If you want to access my songs on iTunes you should go to the iTunes store site and check for the album by putting my name (Ed Borsoi) in the search bar.If you want to hear samples of SONGS FROM ORLANDO click on to Apple Music (here you can hear 60-90 seconds of each song as a sampler): Click on below:


If you want to hear samples of UN DÍA CLARO EN ORLANDO click on to the site below:


If you have access to Spotify you can access the albums by putting my name (Ed Borsoi) in the search bar. If you want to download ANY of my songs (from all that I've written), contact me directly at edborsoi@gmail.com